
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Effective treatment of physical Diseases

Ubqari Magazine - December 2016

Physical Advice

For attention seeking issues, send reply back envelop with written address and the address should be prominent. If there isno reply back envelop than the query will not be answer. While writing, do not add extra glue or tape and do not use staples, privacy will be ensured, write your name on one side of he page. Do mention name, city’s name and complete address in end of the writing.


Urine Disease:

Respected Hakeem Sahab! I want to say that according to the doctors, I am suffering from urine and Prostrate and they are suggesting me surgery. Kindly tell me any prescription to get rid of surgery. (M Baksh, Peshawar)

Advice: M Baksh Sahab! Use this prescription with confidence InshAllah there will be no need for surgery. Huwalshafi: Take phitkari in solid form 10 grams, kabab cheeni 100 grams and grind them. Take one fourth of tea spoon 4 to 6 times in a day with Kachi lassi or water. It is important to take care once and very attention seeking as this time any other medicine is being sold in market with name of kabab cheeni instead of the original item. The pure kabab cheeni will have its stem with it and it is seed like black pepper. If it does not has stem than don’t buy it.


My three issues and their solution: Respected Hakeem Sahab! I am very fond of reading Ubqari magazine and I am reading it for 5 years and wait for it every month. I have three issues, kindly suggest me any solution for these. 1. I am very weak physically, face is very thin and there is always criticism on me. Suggest any remedy for becoming healthier soon. 2. I have three children with ages from 12 to 14 years, they are also very dull and thin, suggest any solution for best health. 3. My brother has utterance in speech due to which he finds difficulty while speaking, kindly tell me any solution for this. (S)

Advice: Respected! Give attention to your diet for getting healthy. Besides this, take an apple at night and nail it with big needle as much as you can and dip it in one pao milk in a bowl for over a night. Eat the apple empty stomach in morning and drink the milk over it. Practice this for 40 days without any break and then see your good health.2. give roasted chickpeas along with their peals to your children and give them seasonal fruits. Besides this give them milk with one spoon of honey mixed at night. 3. Ask your brother to use this prescription. Huwalshafi: hareer’s peal which is called post haleela zard, peal of bhaira, amla, mulathi, kushta folad, take 50 grams of each and grind them and stain on a thin fabric as it is very necessary. Don’t use any stainer and now preserve in a glass jar, take one fourth teas spoon with one fourth tea spoon of desi ghee and one small spoon of honey. Mix all of the ingredients and use with milk. Practice this before breakfast and after Asar time.






Damaged kidneys and hepatitis C:

I read your magazine Ubqari first time and I felt happiness. You are pious man of Allah, Alhamdulilah hundreds of thousands of people are benefiting from this magazine Ubqari. My mother has issues in kidneys and there is also issue of uric acid. She gets temporary relief with medicines from doctors but then again the issue starts. Besides this my brother is suffering from Hepatitis C, he has become very weak and irritated, kindly suggest its solution. Thanks! (Poshida, Mirpur Sindh)

Advice: give Ubqari Dawakhana’s Pathari Dialysis Courses to your mother for some weeks, InshAllah she will be completely fine. For Hepatitis C of your brother, this prescription of very effective. Huwalshafi: green cardemoms 6 pieces, 16 mint  leaves, 10 grams of small pieces of ginger and one small spoon of fuming seeds. Take 8 cups of water and add the ingredients, boil as much as it is left upto 1 cup. Take one cup of it after every meal in morning, afternoon and evening. 6 cups are for 2 days. Use this Joshanda for 2 to 3 months, InshAllah you will feel relief in 3 weeks. It is notable that it has no side effects.


Hidden issues and Children: I am 31 years of age and for almost 4 years back I got married which should not happen. And I am still unable to have children. The reason is that from start of youth I was indulged in bad company and this thing continued for 12 years due which I am suffering from severe heat, severe back ache, lack of interest in anything, weakness, irritation and dizziness. My marital life is zero, there is dandruff in hair with hair fall and grey hair, fast heart beat, bitter taste of mouth and constant cold and flu. Kindly tell me treatment. (M, Z, Bhawalpur)

Advice: Respected! Keep good company, take clean pieces of fish head and add light black pepper and make its soup in routine. Take one cup in sips after breakfast. It is good in taste and if you don’t like it than consider it as medicine and drink. Take one cup of it after every 3 days and use for few days , weeks or months. It is excellent remedy for muscular weakness. Besides this, use completely ripped guavas with pepper. For having children, use Ubqari Dawakhana’s Bay Aualid Course for few weeks.


Wish! I could have hair on my head:

Respected Hakeem Sahab! Assalamoalaikum! I am much worried, I am 22 years of age and there are very less hair on mid and front of my head, everyone asks me to remove the hair but I don’t want to do this. I am in much tension, my hair are also very thin and everyone says that this is my family issue and it not get better. My friends also make fun of me in college and while I attend wedding ceremonies, people look at me and smile for making fun. Kindly suggest any prescription as my head it bald from the front, if it will not get better than it will create problems in future. (A, M)

Advice: Add fresh seasonal vegetables, fruits and milk to your diet. Comb your hair for 7 minutes in morning and evening for blood regulation and sufficient diet for hair. Apply kachi ghaani mustard oil in your head. Soak One pao of dried Amla in One kilos of water at night and cook in morning well. When the water remains half to its quantity than stain it and again cooks that water. Add half kilos of mustard oil in it and cook again and then add half kilos of beet root pieces in it by cutting it. When they are burnt than make it cool and take them out. Massage your hair 3 times in a week. Take 7 almonds and 5 black peppers in morning empty stomach for overcoming weakness of brain and hair growth.


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